This is a guide for printing a turnkey mount for an ElecLabs 5″ Klipper Screen, this is not a full guide for installing the mount. That being said, here is a link to the Klipper Screen documentation. Big shout out to those guys, this screens rocks.
Here is where I used to purchase this screen.
Print Settings:
- 0.10-0.20 Layer Height
- 3 perimeters
- Support: Build Plate + For Support Enforcers
- See .3MF file so you can simply import my supports & print settings (Speed Conservatively set to 80mm/s, DDE req’d)
- Print with the Text facing Down & Add a Brim (Not Pictured)

Assembly Tips:
- Start by removing front Black acrylic panel with existing PanelDue and remove 4 Phillips M3 bolts, save the 4x Phillips M3 bolts for later
- Make sure you have tested your Raspi Klipper Screen for functionality, if you plug in the DSI cable and nothing happens, you likely have a Type-A cable (Pins on side 1 at one end, Pins on side 2 at other end) but this screen needs a Type-B DSI cable. I simply took a normal Raspi Cam cable, clipped off the blue tag (heat gun to remove and super glue on opposite side) then took some sand paper to expose the pins on the opposite side. If that is too much work for you, just search type B DSI on the Google Machine and purchase one.
- When you install the screen into this mount, side it in at an angle with the USB port nested in the cutout.
- Then lineup the top mounting holes and screw in 2 of the longer M2.5 Phillips bolts provided in the kit.
- Next, gently slide the partial assembly through the backside of the front black acrylic. Re-install 4x M3 Phillips bolts
- Now slide the bottom piece on and align the holes and install the last two long M2.5 Phillips bolts from the kit.
- Lastly, there are two holes, at an angle, that are made for M3x14mm bolts, this will securely hold the two halves together.
- The 2 holes on either side of the mount are for you to design & mount your own tool/flashlight/screwdriver/etc mounts…
- Finally mount the PI stand off and RaspberryPi onto the mounting studs on the back of screen & plug it in.
- If you sanded your cable (or bought the correct one) then it will power up, if not nothing will happen.
- Proceed with running the install commands (from above links) and you should be good to go.

Rather than charging for this before you try it, I would rather use this as an Honor System. I’m more concerned with growth than money but money is a necesarry evil for coninued development. If you found it useful and would like to see more like it, please consider donating to the designer with the “Tip the Designer” button below:
Future Projects I am considering:
- Troodon Heated Chamber Mod
- 9mm Z Belt Conversion
- Actively Heated Above Mounted Filament Drying Box
- Umbilical Mounts for Troodon Cable Chain alternative
- Other Top Secret Awesomeness we’re not quite ready to share yet =)