Patrons please let me know what features you want in the slicer . We just added individual PA control for every accel value and better variable layer height control plus a few smaller tweaks. Most stuff will eventually go to Super Slicer as well but some stuff will be staying as A3dp exclusive. Especially the profiles for Modix and Troodon and then toolchanger and index support along with Stablebot support for LukeLabs machines
We Can now adjust by percentage or absolute PA for diff types of extrusion which is super important . This also make handling things like two hotends easy to to do without having to write macros.

I running this on a 5 year old Dell XPS with the latest Windows 10 build. This may be a permissions issue on my end but towards the end of slicing it crashes and gives me these two messages.
A3dp-Slicer has encountered a fatal error: “Access (status) violation”
Please save your project and restart A3dp-Slicer. We would be glad if you reported the issue.
Please join the ‘crash_log.txt’ file (if it exists) content to your report.
A3dp-Slicer has encountered a fatal error: “Access (status) violation”
Please save your project and restart A3dp-Slicer. We would be glad if you reported the issue.
Please join the ‘crash_log.txt’ file (if it exists) content to your report.
Can you post the crash report on github so i can try and fix or see whats going on and i also have been making updates and hope to have stable release that is bullet proof pretty soon
Ill update the files on the gdrive so check back in another day and let me know if better